Movers and shakers, this mum is for you!!  Anita is super inspiring, I found her through the local Bondi Babies Facebook site when I saw a call out for mums wanting to exercise and be accountable for it.  Like  a mini support group.  I then followed her on her instagram page @anitawhittingham and loved her passion and enthusiasm for health, food, families, essential oils and exercise.



Her website is beautiful and full of great nuggets of wisdom, some fabulous recipes and lots of motivation.  I love that she is so involved with surfing, something I have never done!  Such a busy mum co-ordinating the Bondi Surfing Mums Group, facilitating TERRAfit challenges and squeezing in some self love with regular yoga classes.  She holds regular essential oil workshops too, which I highly recommend popping along to to learn about the amazing benefits of oils and how they can benefit your health. Magic.

Let’s see what she has to say about being a mum, sit back relax and enjoy…

How old is your child?

My miracle rainbow daughter is 18 months.



What is your food philosophy for your child?

I share all my meals with Bella so she eats mostly real whole food. She loves cultured veggies and Kombucha. It’s awesome! I try to limit sugar in packaged products like crackers. Sugar is addictive so I limit where possible but I believe in everything in moderation. So she has cake at birthday parties/ special events but I like to make healthy treats at home like ice-blocks and bliss balls so she eats those. She loves fruit and my smoothies so I sneak in greens into my smoothies.


What inspires you to feed your child the way you do?

I strongly believe that our health is our number one asset so I try to model good eating habits. Living a healthy life free from disease and sickness is so important because being sick starts to affect other parts of your life.



What tips have you got for travelling families?

Research online before you go. Look up where you can buy healthy food and where there are markets so you can buy fresh fruit and veggies. Have breakfast at home. If you are in a hotel room you can buy some Greek yoghurt and sugar free granola and add fresh berries/banana to create a breakfast parfait in a mug. Take a knife with a cover with you (pack in your checked in luggage) so you can cut up carrot and cucumber sticks. Take or buy nuts as a healthy snack and look for boiled eggs to eat with your breakfast parfait or as a snack. Look up restaurant menu’s before you go. Create a rough plan in advance of where you want to eat. Ask locals for recommendations and suggestions.  


What are your 3 top snacks?

Mixed raw nuts


Raw veggies (cucumber sticks, cherry tomatoes, carrot sticks).


How do you look after yourself as well as your child?

Regular exercise, healthy food and essential oils. We use certified pure therapeutic grade essential oils to boost our wellness and protect us against environmental threats. I’m a bit of a raving oil fan. We use them in so many different ways at home. They have made a huge difference to our lives.   Blog-title-9.png


What brings balance to your family?

Diffusing calming essential oils like Lavender Peace. Ah-mazing!!!!



What is your favourite activity to do together as a family?

Playing along the shoreline at the beach at 5/6pm. What happened to Summer?! It ended so abruptly 😦



Do you have a favourite inspirational quote that lights up your life?

I am open and receptive to receiving all good. It’s a Louise Hay quote.



Chocolate Mint Protein Balls

These delicious morsels are so freaking delicious you wont be able to stop at one. But that’s OK because they are packed full of super nourishing ingredients so they make a nutritious guilt free snack.

1 cup quinoa flakes

1 cup cashews

1 Tb chia seeds

15 medjool dates, seeds removed

2 scoops dōTERRA Slim and Sassy Chocolate Trim Shake

1/2 cup shredded coconut

6 drops dōTERRA Peppermint essential oil

2 Tb water

desiccated coconut to coat balls

1. Mix all ingredients together in a high speed blender

2. Pop desiccated coconut in a bowl

3. Roll mixture into balls (whatever size you desire) and coat with desiccated coconut

4. Pop in fridge or freezer.



THANK YOU Anita…and we must catch up!